Friday, May 10, 2013

It's your troop...

You’ve heard me say this multiple times during the meetings, but what does it really mean?  It means that you can do just about anything within the scope of Scouting.  Soon, your PLC will be getting together to plan out all the activities for the next year.  Up until now, the adults have been making the plans.  Deciding what you should do and where you should go.  But now it’s your turn.  Once again, what would you like to do?  High adventure? (Hiking, Canoe trip, Rafting, Caving…) more local camping? (North East, Six Mile, Fish Club), Day trips? (Hiking, visiting local places, Service projects)   There are over 130 merit badges; maybe you can create your own event based on one.  These are just a few examples of what can be done.  Look for yourself; if you’re reading this blog, you’re at least a little internet savvy.  Go search for scout activities, high adventure or whatever else you might enjoy.  That’s the first step.

Now you need to figure how just how to do these things.  Do the research, make the calls, decide what needs to be done and assign scouts to complete those tasks.  It is not that hard and does not take that much time.  It just takes a little focus.  The adults are here to help.  Ask questions,  get some advice,  we’ll help, but we will not do it for you.  When you’re done and the event goes great, the feeling is amazing!  If it isn’t a “perfect” event, (which is the case almost all the time, even when planned by adults) don’t worry, ask yourself two questions, “Did I have fun?” and “What could I do better next time?” 
So over the next week or so, think it over.  What do I really want to do?  Where do I want my scouting adventure to go?  Make sure your Patrol Leader knows your thoughts or ideas, and remember…it’s your Troop.